A whole house generator sitting outside a white Tennessee home.

The Biggest Benefits of Having a Whole House Generator

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When a power outage occurs, having a whole house generator can keep you from getting caught in the dark. But what other benefits can it provide for your family and your home? Let’s take a look at some of the biggest benefits having a whole house generator has!

Improved Safety & Security

Safety and security top the list of benefits of having a home generator. When the lights go out, the risk of slips and falls increases dramatically. You don’t want to be left struggling to find your way around your home. But that’s not the only safety concern. Those with extreme or long-term medical conditions who need electronic devices to monitor or control their health conditions will be left without protection in a power outage. And during extended blackouts, your home could be a target for burglars.

By installing a whole house generator, you’ll not only protect against slips and falls but ensure those family members who need medical devices will be able to use them and deter burglars from targeting your home.

Increased Comfort

While safety and security are at the top of the list of benefits, comfort is a close second. A power outage often occurs during storms and can generate some stressful situations. With a whole house generator, families don’t have to worry about finding flashlights in the dark, losing contact with the world, or finding ways to distract themselves from an uneasy situation. The power may go out for a moment, but it will immediately come back on with no effort on your part. That extra level of comfort can go a long way in improving a stressful situation.

Endless Power

As we said above, with a whole house generator, the power may blink out for a moment but will automatically turn on. But not only will it automatically turn on, but you’ll also have access to unlimited power!

Portable generators are typically limited by how much fuel they can take. This fuel will run out and not allow you to power your home for very long. If a bad storm has caused your power to go out, you likely won’t be able to get gas to refill your portable generator. With a whole house generator, you can draw power directly from the local utility grid, meaning it will never run out of power.

More Efficient

Speaking of portable generators, whole house generators are also a much more efficient option.

As we mentioned above, portable generators only provide so much power before they run out. Because of that, you may have to refuel it many times to keep it going. With a whole home generator, it will always provide enough power to your home.

Whole home generators are also integrated into your home’s existing electrical system. Because of this, you can customize it to fit your needs and be more efficient. You can choose which appliances you want your standby generator to power, like your refrigerator, security system, and HVAC system. This way, you won’t be wasting power on things you don’t currently need.

Saves Money

The initial purchase of a home generator is a significant investment. However, it will save you money in the long run in appliance repairs and pipe damage.

Being able to run your home as normal during blackouts prevents potential damage to your home. If the power goes out for an extended period of time, your refrigerator and freezer won’t work and this may lead you to lose hundreds of dollars worth of food. If the power goes out in the winter, your pipes could freeze and have the potential to burst later on. This can cause extensive and expensive water damage in your home. With a whole home generator, your refrigerator and freezer will stay running and your pipes will stay at the right temperature.

Peace of Mind

Lastly, having a generator for your house will provide you and your family with peace of mind. You can lose power to your home at any time. But with a whole house generator, you can be confident your life will continue as normal when the power goes out.

Don’t Get Caught in the Dark

Having access to power in your home is vital to protecting yourself, your family, and your home. By getting a whole house generator installed, you can avoid power outages and enjoy all these benefits.

Thinking about installing a whole house generator? We can help. Trust Speck Family Electric’s team of certified electricians to handle your generator installation, as well as repairs and maintenance to keep it running efficiently. Our team takes pride in performing reliable services and completing each job safely and efficiently.

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