

Why Does my GFCI Outlet Keep Tripping?

It’s not uncommon for GFCI outlets to trip, as that’s what they’re made to do. But what causes them to trip constantly? Here are a few common causes for GFCI outlets to keep tripping and how to solve them. First...

Why Isn’t my Electrical Outlet Working?

When an electrical outlet stops working, it can be a frustrating experience. Especially if you have no idea what’s causing it! To help you figure it out, here are a few reasons why your outlet may have stopped working. You...

5 Common Electrical Problems in Your House

Every home is susceptible to a variety of electrical issues, but even small issues can become hazards if left unchecked. Here are five common electrical problems to help you notice hazards in your home before they become serious safety risks....

Power Surge Protection Tips for Your Home

Although it only takes a second for a power surge to occur, it can cause serious damage to electronic devices, appliances, and outlets in a home. To help protect your home, here are our top power surge protection tips. What...

5 Common DIY Electrical Mistakes

When it comes to DIY projects in your home, mistakes are bound to happen. But with electricity, even little mistakes can be dangerous. Here are five of the most common DIY electrical mistakes and what you can do to avoid...

Ways to Save on Your Electric Bill

If your electric bill is too high, we’ve got good news for you: ways to save on your bill that are easy and actually work! Check out our tips on how to lower your electricity bill. Turn off the Lights...

Speck’s Fall Electrical Safety Tips

As the season begins to change, you’re going to depend on more electrical devices and appliances. To ensure your home and family remain safe, here are our fall electrical safety tips! Sweep up Dry Leaves Falling leaves are one of...

Light Bulbs Keep Burning Out? Here’s Why

Got light bulbs that keep burning out? Not only is it frustrating, but it can also indicate a potential fire hazard. To help keep you safe (and sane), here are some causes and solutions to why your light bulbs keep...

Speck Family’s Smart Home Guide for Beginners

Smart homes are getting smarter, more efficient, and more convenient every year. But if you’re wondering what a smart home is and how you get your home to be one, don’t worry, Speck Family Electric is here to help. Here’s...

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